Scoti Schola
This site is about John Duns Scotus, known as the Subtle Doctor, and his school, that is, those who have over the centuries based their philosophy or theology principally on his.
At their peak, they outnumbered the Thomists and the nominalists. The Cistercian theologian Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz wrote in 1664, “Scoti Schola numerosior est omnibus aliis simul sumptis” (“the School of Scotus is more numerous than all the others taken together”).1 Despite this, when Scholasticism was revived in the late 1800s, the revival was almost entirely Thomistic, so that neo-Scholasticism is often considered equivalent to neo-Thomism.
This website wishes to make known Bl. John Duns Scotus and the Scotist School in order to present a more balanced picture of Scholasticism and a fuller view of the riches of Catholic theology and philosophy. It will eventually contain profiles of notable Scotists and explanations of the school’s principal teachings.
Juan Caramuel y Lobkowicz, Theologia Intentionalis (Lugduni, 1664), 273a,↩︎